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Solemn Profession of Sr. Therese-Marie of the Eucharist

Solemnity of St. John of the Cross


As today is the Solemnity of St John of the Cross the readings for the Profession are taken from the Solemnity rather than from the Rite of Religious Profession.  

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In the readings we are reminded of the greatness of God’s love.

The first reading is from the Prophet Isaiah (Is 43:1-3a, 4-5).  In it we hear of God’s love and His personal call of each one of us: “Thus says the Lord, who created you, Jacob, who formed you, Israel: Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name, you are mine…Do not be afraid, for I am with you.” 

The Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 138(139)) reminds us of how God watches over each of us: “Lord, you search me and you know me, you know my resting and my rising, you discern my purpose from afar. You mark when I walk or lie down, all my ways lie open to you.” 

The second reading is from St Paul’s letter to the Romans (8:14-18, 28-30).  In it St Paul tells us that “Everyone moved by the Spirit is a child of God” and he encourages us to live a life of trust in God by telling us that in “turning everything to their good God co-operates with all those who love him”

The Gospel (John 17:11, 17-26) is taken from Jesus’ farewell discourse where Jesus prays to the Father to “keep those you have given me true to your name, so that they may be one like us. Consecrate them in the truth; your word is truth… I have made your name known to them and will continue to make it known, so that the love with which you loved me may be in them, and so that I may be in them.”

After the Gospel Sister remains standing for “the calling” which begins the Rite of Religious Profession.  In the scriptures those who were chosen to carry out a special mission were called by God.  So Sister is called by name to play her part in the saving mission of Jesus Christ.  Her reply signifies her willingness to fulfill this role. The Master of Ceremonies calls her by name and Sister answers “Lord you have called me: here I am.”  The celebrant then asks her “My dear Sister, what do you ask of God and his holy Church?”  Sister replies I ask for perseverance in following Christ my Bridegroom in this Teresian Community of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel all the days of my life.”  After the calling Sister returns to her place and the homily is given.

After the homily Sister again stands and is questioned by the celebrant on her readiness to dedicate herself to God, and to seek perfect charity according to the Rule and Constitutions.  Then as the Master of Ceremonies asks all the people to kneel and Sister Thérèse Marie prostrates herself in the form of a cross to give expression to her total consecration to God the Cantors sing the Litany of the Saints with all the people singing the responses.  This is followed by a short prayer by the Celebrant after which all stand.  Sister Thérèse-Marie then kneels before her Mother Prioress, and placing her hands in those of the Prioress, pronounces her Solemn Vows. 

Sister Thérèse Marie then signs the formula of her Profession and passes it through the Communion window to the Celebrant who places it on the altar. She then returns to her place, and standing, sings the following antiphon to express the spirit of self-giving and joy:

Uphold me, Lord, according to your promise and I shall live;
and do not bring to nothing all my hope.

Sister then kneels and the Celebrant, standing with hands  extended, solemnly blesses her in the name of the Church, thus sealing her consecration to God and to the service of His Church. After the Prayer of Consecration Sister goes up to the Communion window and the Celebrant places the black veil on her saying:

Receive this veil as a sign of your consecration,
and keep unbroken faith with your heavenly Bridegroom.
It proclaims that you belong entirely to Christ,
and to his Mystical Body, the Church.

The Mother Prioress then places a bridal crown on her head.  After which the Celebrant gives the sign of peace to the newly professed Sister at the Communion window. She then embraces her Mother Prioress and each of her Sisters as a sign of the mutual affection that binds them into a Community in Christ. The whole congregation exchange the sign of peace, which is omitted before Communion.

A special blessing is given at the conclusion of the Mass for Sister Thérèse Marie and all present.  The traditional Carmelite hymn Rosa Carmeli is sung as a Recessional Hymn.

Rosa Carmeli, florida Maria,
Intra tua nos gere viscera:
Et post mortem transfer ad aethera,
O Maria! 

Radix Iesse, germinans flosculum,
Hic adesse me, tibi servulum 
Inter spinas quae crescis lilium,
Serva puras mentes fragilium,

 Per incerta prudens consilium,
Per adversa juge solatium
Armatura fortis pugnantium,
Furunt bella, offer presidium

 Mater dulcis, Virgo purissima,
Christianis esto propitia,
Stella Maris.
Paradisi clavis et janua,
Fac nos duci quo, mater, gloria

Earlier Event: 16 April
Pilgrimage of Grace
Later Event: 2 January