Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites
The Discalced Carmelite Secular Order is made up of men and women who, as lay people, wish to be more closely associated with the Discalced Carmelite Order. They do so through affiliation with one of the established Fraternities. Members of the Secular Order model their lives on the Carmelite ideal. They draw their inspiration from the Carmelite Rule, the spiritual tradition of the Order, and the example and teaching of the Carmelite Saints.
For more information about the Secular Order, especially in Launceston, please contact Mrs. Sandra Walkling, OCDS, using the form below:
Special Events
Prayer Requests
Our hidden apostolate as Discalced Carmelite nuns is to offer prayers and sacrifices for the intentions of all humanity. In accord with Holy Mother St Teresa’s desire, we have a particular desire to pray for the Church, the Holy Father and his intentions, for missionaries, for priests, and for the New Evangelisation.
People are very welcome to contact us for prayers for their special intentions, spiritual and temporal, in person or by phone, letter or email. All prayer requests are treated as confidential and are held before the Lord through the intercession of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.
A sign of love for Mary, Mother of Carmel.