Carmelite Monastery of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Launceston
Safeguarding Commitment Statement
As a Discalced Carmelite community within the Archdiocese of Hobart, we are committed to ensuring that all people are respected and treated with the dignity that is theirs as created in the image and likeness of God. We endeavour to ensure that all who visit our monastery feel safe and we affirm that each person is a gift from God to be valued, cherished, respected and protected from harm whether it be physical, emotional, sexual or neglect.
We are committed to:
Zero tolerance of abuse of children and adults.
Implementing the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards as they apply to our contemplative community
Upholding the dignity of all people to establish safe and supportive relationships.
Maintaining and managing policies and procedures that build a strong culture of safeguarding.
Supporting anyone who brings forward a suspicion, concern, knowledge, or allegation of current or past abuse.
Responding appropriately to any matters related to abuse in a sensitive, respectful and in a timely way.
We have documented policies and procedures to promote a strong culture of safeguarding.
Sisters and volunteers are expected to follow these policies and procedures and contribute to the culture of care and protection within the Church.
Our volunteers hold current Working with Children Checks or equivalent.
We listen to the voices of children and adults at risk.
We remain vigilant to emerging risks and opportunities for us to continuously improve our practice.
Carmelite Monastery of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Launceston
Safeguarding Policy
“I came to do right, seek justice and defend the oppressed.”
The Carmelite Monastery of Launceston is a community of contemplative women in the Catholic Archdiocese of Hobart. As a community we affirm that each person is a gift from God to be valued, cherished, respected and protected from harm whether it be physical, emotional, sexual or neglect.
Each sister in the community understands the importance of the specific role she plays, individually and collectively, to ensure the wellbeing and safety of children under 18 years and adults at risk. Each sister also understands that by virtue of their position of trust as a religious they are placed in a position of power in the relationship with people who approach us for prayer support. This power needs to be exercised in a caring, compassionate and non-patronising way that enriches a safe and supportive relationship.
The Prioress will ensure that every member of our community reads and adheres to this Policy. The Prioress will appoint a Community Designated Liaison Person.
In our commitment to living the Gospel, and the words of Jesus to "Let the children come to me and do not hinder them.” (Matt 19:14) we strive to do everything in our power to safeguard them. To assist us in our commitment we adopt and adhere to the Archdiocese of Hobart Safe Communities Policy and the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards. Thus, the Carmelite Monastery of Launceston takes a zero-tolerance approach to any form of abuse.
As contemplative nuns we do not have direct ministry with children or adults at risk. We observe papal enclosure and our contacts with people are normally confined to the door, the parlour and chapel from within the enclosure. There may be times when students partake in special events or want to hear more about the Carmelites. In this case we ensure that children and adults at risk are accompanied by a responsible adult, teacher or parent.
Whilst maintaining confidentiality in all other matters, allegations of child or adult abuse brought to the notice of any member of the community (including volunteers) will be passed on to the Statutory Authorities by the Community Designated Liaison Person.
State Government Dept of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs
(In Tasmania this is part of the Department of Education)
Phone 1300 737 639
To have a conversation about your concerns for the safety or wellbeing of a child, contact the Advice and Referral Line on 1800 000 123 After Hours Service Phone 1800 000 123
National Disability Hotline 1800 880 052
Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission 1800 951 822
Access Mental Health – Helpline - 1800 332 388
Police - Child Protection Investigation Unit
Phone Refer to Advice and Referral Line 1800 000 123
Carmelite Community Launceston Designated Person
Mother Teresa Benedicta OCD Phone 03 6331 3585
Catholic Church
Safe Communities Office Archdiocese of Hobart Phone 03 6208 6222
Professional Standards Office Tasmania Phone 0409 962 042
What to do if a person comes with a Safeguarding Concern
Be welcoming and supportive
Listen to what the person has to say
Do not question the person
Do not seek to investigate yourself
Let the person making the complaint know the concern will be passed on to the relevant Statutory Authority by the Community Designated Liaison Person
It is essential that you tell the person that their complaint/concern will not be discussed with other members of the community
The Prioress will be informed but details of the complaint/concern will not be shared
Code of Behaviour
Treat all children and adults at risk with respect regardless of their race, colour, gender, language, religion, opinions, nationality, ethnicity, social origin, property, disability, sexual orientation or other status
Respect the boundary of physical and emotional space of another
Ensure another adult is present when interacting with children or adult at risk
Avoid all inappropriate communication through the internet, e-mail, text messages or other social media
Ensure that permission of the parent/guardian and/or the person when taking photographs of children/young people in the case of ministry or otherwise
Avoid any act that could be perceived as inappropriate
This policy will be displayed in noticeable places at the Monastery.
Signed on behalf of the Carmelite Monastery of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Launceston by: