The Relics of St Thérèse of Lisieux and Ss Louis and Zelie Martin
10am ~ Official Welcome of the Relics and Solemn Concelebrated Sung Mass offered by Archbishop Julian Porteous DD
The Chapel will remain open throughout the day for people to visit and venerate the relics in silent prayer.
A programme for young people and families will run concurrently in the monastery extern grounds with BBQ lunch available also.
You are very welcome to join us in prayer in the Chapel at the following times:
12pm ~ Angelus and Midday Prayer of the Church (Office of Sext)
1pm ~ Recitation of the Rosary (Luminous Mysteries)
2pm ~ Afternoon Prayer of the Church (Office of None) & Litany of St Therese
3pm ~ Holy Hour for Vocations led by Archbishop Julian Porteous DD
4pm ~ Ceremony of Farewell to the Relics before their departure to Hobart
“The good God gave me a father and mother more worthy of Heaven than of earth.”
As we began our Lenten journey this year, we also commenced the immediate preparations for a wonderful moment of grace for our Archdiocese – the Tasmanian stage of the 2020 Australian Pilgrimage of the Relics of St Thérèse of Lisieux and her parents, St Louis Martin & St Zelie Martin. The relics will arrive in Launceston on Thursday 16th April, visiting our own Carmelite Monastery, before continuing on to St Mary’s Cathedral, Hobart, and the following day to St Thérèse ’s Parish, Moonah. We invite you to join us in preparing spiritually for this encounter with three wonderful Saints, who reached holiness in the context of marriage, family life and in Carmel, and who inspire and encourage us to seek intimacy with God in our daily lives.
Prayer in preparation for the Visit:
O God,
who gave to St Louis Martin and St Zelie Martin
the grace to lead a life of holiness
as Christian spouses and parents,
and who called their daughter, St Thérèse of the Child Jesus,
to seek holiness in the consecrated life hidden in Carmel,
grant that, through their intercession and example,
we may be able to love and serve you faithfully,
living worthily our own vocation.
May this Pilgrimage of Grace be a blessed time for us to experience your love
as we seek to do your will wherever you have called us to be.
Through Christ our Lord.