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First Profession of Vows

First Profession of Sr Mary Joseph of the Sacred Heart
9:30AM Mass — All Welcome


Although today is the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, this year the readings for today’s Mass are taken from the Rite of Religious Profession.  The readings have been chosen by Sr Mary Joseph.

The first reading is from the Song of Songs (2:8-14).  In it we hear the Bride speaking of her Beloved. “My Beloved lifts up his voice, he says to me, ‘Come then, my love, my lovely one, come.”  The Song of Songs has been interpreted over the centuries as a symbol of the love God has for his people and the mystics often use it is express their relationship with Christ.  This is particularly true in Carmel with St Teresa’s work Meditation on the Song of Songs and St John of the Cross’ Spiritual Canticle.

The Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 33) is an invitation to “bless the Lord at all times.”

In the Gospel (Luke 11:27-28) we hear of a woman in the crowd praising “the womb that bore you and the breasts you sucked!” and Jesus reply about the joy of those who do the will of God “Still happier those who hear the word of God and keep it!”

After the Gospel Sister remains standing for “The Calling”.  In the scriptures those who were chosen to carry out a special mission were called by God.  So Sister is called by name to play her part in the saving mission of Jesus Christ. Her reply signifies her willingness to fulfill this role. Sister’s Novice Mistress calls her by name and Sister answers “Lord, you have called me: here I am.”  The celebrant then asks her “My dear Sister, what do you ask of God and his holy Church?” Sister replies “I ask for God’s merciful love, the poverty of the Order, and the companionship of the Sisters, in this Monastery of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Launceston, of the Discalced Carmelite Nuns of the Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel.”  After the Calling Sister returns to her place and the homily is given.

After the homily Sister again stands and is questioned by the celebrant on her readiness to dedicate herself to God through her vows.  This is followed by a prayer for God’s grace after which Sister reads the formula of profession while kneeling before the Prioress. Sister makes her profession “into the hands” of the Prioress and then signs the profession formula.

After her profession Sister receives from the Church the insignia by which she will be recognized, as one, who by profession has given herself to the service of the Church.

The book of the Rule and Constitutions is given her because by following the pattern of life contained therein she will be recognized as a Carmelite Nun.

The Crucifix is given to her to remind her that she has given herself to a Crucified Spouse, and she will have to sacrifice many things to become like Him.

The Prayers of the Faithful are then said and Mass continues in the usual manner.  A special blessing is given at the conclusion of Mass for Sister and all present.

Later Event: 16 April
Pilgrimage of Grace