Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Along the path of your vocation let the most Blessed Virgin be your help and guide, since she is an incomparable example for all contemplatives, especially for you, daughters of an Order which from its beginning took an entirely Marian shape.
—Saint John Paul II
The Carmelite Order is dedicated in a special way to Our Lady of Mount Carmel. The first hermits on Mount Carmel dedicated themselves to a life of prayer and contemplation after the example of Mary, their model and patroness, who ‘pondered in her heart’ the words and deeds of Jesus. Her presence pervades every aspect of the life, physical and spiritual of the community. In the chapel of Launceston Carmel dedicated to her Immaculate Heart a lamp burns day and night before her shrine. In the monastery itself she is found in every place watching over and guiding her daughters in their times of prayer, of work, of recreation. This has been expressed for centuries by the traditional Carmelite saying: Totus Marianus Carmelus est—Carmel is all Mary’s.
Every Saturday evening and on all Feasts of Our Lady, the nuns assemble wearing their white mantles and with lighted candles to sing the Salve Regina in her honour. Confident of her motherly protection and intercession they make their ascent of Mount Carmel in the day to day living out of their special vocation, desiring only, as their Holy Mother Saint Teresa did in her own life, the glory of God and the good of Holy Church.
“The Virgin Mary is our supreme model in the contemplation of Christ. Her Son’s face belongs uniquely to her. She is the Mother and Teacher of perfect conformation to her Son; by her example and her maternal presence she sustains you, her special children, in your daily fidelity to prayer.”
Queen and Beauty of Carmel, pray for us.