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St Peter Chanel

Memorial of St Peter Chanel, First Martyr of Oceania


The universal Church today honours the first martyr of Oceania.  Born in France, Peter Chanel became a diocesan priest. He served selflessly as an assistant priest, parish priest and seminary rector.  In 1836, he joined the newly formed Society of Mary and was sent to Oceania. Misunderstanding and opposition made his work discouraging, but he found strength in prayer and the Eucharist.  Finally, he converted the son of the King of Futuna in Polynesia and for this he was martyred. Only after his death was the true value of Peter's work seen. Within the next two years, the Society of Mary was again taking care of the people of Futuna and in a short time the whole island, including those who murdered Peter Chanel, became Christian.

The first reading from Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians (1 Cor 1:18-25) reminds us that it is “Christ who is the power of God and the wisdom of God…God’s foolishness is wiser than human wisdom and God’s weakness is stronger than human strength.”

The Gospel from Mark (1:14-20) recalls the calling of the first four disciples.  At Jesus’ words “Follow me…they left their nets and followed him.

Earlier Event: 26 April
St Mark
Later Event: 1 May
St Joseph the Worker